Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Natural Buggers

When the summer starts apart from the harsh sunlight which enters in our homes from open windows or doors also comes in something else, many people simply hate it and I don't know anyone who loves it, but in a way my feelings are neutral towards it. Well I am talking about the ubiquitous house lizard or "Chipkali" as it is fondly called in Hindi. I saw 4 of them in my house today and that was the inspiration behind this post, actually i sat down to write about some serious stuff when one of them attacked the other right in front of me, tell you it was more entertaining to watch thm fight then seeing some bulky guys fighting it out "rather faking it out" in a square which is known as ring in WWF ( now WWE). The battle of wall continued for some time before on of them was forced out of the comforts of her (or maybe his, I have no way to confirm that) abode, the wall, into the big bad world of floor. After that it went on its own way into some corner of my house, I am very sure I will see it again on the same wall very soon.

I am not fond of these "chipaklis"(now every time i say this word a famous hit song comes to my mind, I am sure after reading this you will also feel the same :)) but I am not averse to them also, they are very useful creatures, nature's bug control system. They can catch the biggest and meanest of all bugs with equal ease and panache as they can with the smallest and deadliest ones (ever been bitten by Manipal bug..if not then you will not know what I mean here). Nature has made them ugly but that's not there fault, they have reason to live - Bug control. This reminds me of another control system, spiders, but more about them sometime else. I personally know some of the biggest "Lizard fearing people" alive in this world. The ones who will not enter the bathroom if they see our "bugger" doing its duty quietly. Imagine if their great grandfathers were alive, yes I mean Dinosaurs, I would have loved to see the faces of these lizard fearing people then. Anyways, let me tell you a trick to have fun with this creature, take a flexible strip of wood and put cotton in front of it and then keep it near a lizard and see it chasing, but please don't hurt it in any manner. Till then whenever you see it sing...Ae Chipakali Chipakali...run Matakali Matakali....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, it is right of the fairer gender to freak out at chipkalis, cockroaches n all :) but they dont fear the most dangerous animal on the planet ... MAN :D Very very curious