Sunday, October 9, 2011

Life at Random....

Just recall all the movies you have ever watched, there is one similarity, all the events depicted in the movie are related, if they are not then there is no story. Now, for a moment think of this, in reality is everything really co-related. I can imagine many of us answering this question with a Yes, reason is that we all are made to believe that.

I believe that we live our life in frames or phases, totally unrelated to each other, but because there are some people who are present in most of these phases we start believing that everything is related. We believe, because one event took place, it triggered the other one, like the Butterfly effect, but then don’t we all are just enjoying the benefit of hindsight. Let me put another thought here, how many of us actually think about the events that will be caused by our actions before acting, and I am not talking about some business decisions here (although some of the business decisions are also not that “well thought of”, yet they create impact either positive or negative). Let me put it in more simple terms and explain with an example, suppose you at random visit a restaurant for a cup of coffee and meet an old friend, you two catch up, things move further and you meet again, this time planned, things work out positively and both of you end up falling in love. Nice story, but if you look at it, these were some unplanned events, you never actually planned to visit that restaurant or expected to meet that girl/guy, even after first meeting you may not have thought of falling in love with her/him, but when you will tell “How I met my GF/BF” story to your friends, it will flow out as a romance novel.

We live life randomly, at least most of us, its just that we have benefit of hindsight at certain points in our life, we use that to create stories, and believe that whatever is happening to us is all co-related. I understand that at times our actions affect the outcome of certain events in our life, but those actions are also mostly random. If we plan and think twice before acting on everything, the charm in our life will be lost. We can only hope that whatever we are doing today will somehow make our future fall in place, there are is no screenplay in real life, everything happens randomly and we just write the screenplay after it has already been enacted, and a buttefly fluttering its wings to cause a typhoon is just a story we all would like to hear and believe in.

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