Saturday, March 7, 2009

Reserved For Ladies???

One thing that amuses me most when I get on a DTC/BEST bus or stand in a queue in some government office is “Ladies seat and Ladies Queue”. I fail to understand, why women need these special arrangements. Since time immemorial I am hearing from various medium and I still do, that women are not a weaker sex, they can compete with men in any and every field and are in no way lesser than them, but I am very surprised to see that for doing so they need a reserved seat and a separate queue. I am not at all in favor of seat reservation for women in public transport as well as a separate queue for them at any public dealing window. Some women purist may call me narrow minded or women oppressor, but I am none, by keeping a reserved seat and a separate queue they are doing more harm to themselves than any one else. I normally see that apart from some ladies seats in the bus, the other reserved seats are for elderly or for physically handicap people. What I make out of this is, that women wants to have rights equal to these people, who have special needs and are in constant need of some help. If that is the case than I am sorry to say that all this talk of women’s liberation is a big farce. I am very sure that if I ask any self dependant women today that whether she considers herself helpless or in need of some special attention or treatment the answer will be a big no, what I fail to understand is that than why the same women don’t raise their voice against these so called special privileges given to them. I personally feel that the reserved seats and separate queues are a symbol of inferiority, and any self respecting person won’t be willing to look at these symbols again and again. In our society, any symbol which shows any religion in a bad light is severely dealt with in the form of rioting, arson even merciless killing of people. But these symbols of inferiority which we see daily at the various places are ignored completely. There can be many reasons for that, one could be that women like to have these facilities available because they want to have a seat whenever they board a bus or it can be that they are still in a mode where they feel that to survive in this “male dominated world” they need to have some special privileges handy, which will make their struggle against male dominance easy. Their may be another reason also, they would feel much safer and secure to sit in a crowded bus and stand in a separate queue to be away from a groping hand. I think the last reason is more acceptable, but still I have my reservations on this, if it’s really an era of women liberation then why don’t they raise their voice or a sandal against these lechers. I once witnessed this, a girl beating up a guy with sandal in a crowded bus; it was a very amusing and reassuring sight. I can bet, that guy will think one thousand times before eve teasing. The best part of this whole idea is that, to raise a sandal against these teasers, you don’t need reservation. I am very sure that women should be encouraged to get ahead in the various fields, but not in a separate line or a reserved seat, but along with the main line sitting next to a man.


Unknown said...

Awesome article..........

Gaurav M said...

Priviledges for women started long after the priviledges to SCs/STs/OBCs (without the gender barrier where most of the beneficiaries were men). Go out of pune and you will understand that men don't let women stand in the queue. To be
'untouched' and to keep the sanctity of security such privileges were provided." Privileges are provided to let people understand that this community/gender/society/group really wants to grow or is special in different terms. In comparison to the quota of SCs and STs where only the creamy layer is having the profit Women Quota really worked out in india with most of the women having the chance with it. "Why do we want any lady with us to have seat in the bus/train where as it put us altogather in a different mind-set when we are on a seat and other women are standing." Do men in India want to be respected by women with them only. Men are called as a Muscular sex and there are REASONS( Biologically women are not as strong (in muscle power) as men. EXCEPT THIS they are BETTER than men in all the aspect and with every respect) to say so. Its basically the point of security and respect which when was not given commonly then government took the step to implement it with rules. I went to many remote places in Maharashtra. As far as I know about UP, MP, Delhi, and our very own Bihar. Men randomly vacate the seats when they see any woman standing(This is the general mode of PAYING(not just showing)respect even in Haryana). In Maharashtra & specially in remote places (where rest of india(Places I saw and went to) thrives;) they don't respect women and not even a pregnant woman. Men proves itself to be the ultimate selfish creature, that is why the questions of WOMEN thriving comes out. We really need to grow: In India 98% of women are facing the domestic violence (conditions for women under SCs,STs,OBCs quota included) and we are worried about the privileges provided to them?Whatever is provided to women except this step has been used by men whether that is the Queue at the ticket counters(men ask the women with them to take the ticket instead of understanding it to be their responsibility)or the money provided to the girl students at all the govt schools for their studies(most of the money goes to the bars for the liquor for the parents or is used in the house and not on those girl child). In the country where being a girl child is a crime first and being beautiful is crime second life is difficult for women. We need to grow...

Unknown said...

@Tarun..Thanks for appreciation

@Gaurav...I see the point you are trying to make here...but again I will say that to make women more powerful and audible in our society...its the women who need to take steps and stand against all one else gonna do that fro them.